2014 Annual Meeting
The 2014 Annual Meeting was held on Saturday July 12th at the Meredith Community Center.
Speakers were Don Berry, President of the Lakes Region Conservation Trust and Pat Tarpey, Executive Director of the Lake Winnipesaukee Watershed Association. You may download minutes of the meeting.
Waukewan & Winona Restoration Plan
Pat Tarpey, Executive Director of the Lake Winnipesaukee
Watershed Association, described the overall project, its funding sources, and
goals and introduced Don Kretchmer of DK Water Resources Consulting who
presented the Lake Waukewan Watershed Survey Report. Links to the project and the report may be
found on the WWC website, Waukewan.org on the ‘Annual Meeting 2014’ page.
A description of the effort may be found here. Lake Waukewan Watershed Survey Report. Note that, in the maps, the town labels Ashland and Holderness should be reversed.
Fogg Hill Wetlands
A description of the Fogg Hill project am be found here.