Lake Waukewan Sediment Analysis
With the assistance of Steve Landry of the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (NHDES) and local volunteers, Frank Murphy and Jamie Irving, FB Environmental Associates (FBE) conducted sediment testing of Lake Waukewan in Meredith, NH on June 8, 2023. Sediments were analyzed for elemental ratios of phosphorus, aluminum, and iron to assess vulnerability to internal phosphorus loading, which has been shown to fuel historic cyanobacteria blooms in Lake Waukewan. FBE selected sites in a gradient of water depths around the lake (Figure 1) to understand spatial variability in sediment chemistry and better assess future risk of internal phosphorus loading in the possible event that the extent of anoxia (which triggers internal phosphorus loading in lakes) expands to impact a larger area of the lake. View the full report and testing locations.