The Windy Waters
Storm Water Grant Program
By providing financial assistance to the Lake Winnipesaukee Association, the Windy Waters Conservancy helped develop the Watershed Restoration Plan for Lake Waukewan and Lake Winona. It has very specific documentation of potential pollution causing land situations which need to be re-mediated to protect the water quality of the lakes.
Not addressed in the plan are situations on private properties where storm water run-off or other things happen which can lead to pollution of the lake. Storm water management is a much bigger problem than failed septic systems. Often, property owners know they have an issue, but have no idea where to turn to investigate a solution, or don’t have the motivation or funding to get started.
WWC is very proud to continue THE 2019 WINDY WATERS STORM WATER GRANT PROGRAM (the PROGRAM) to assist property owners in resolving their property’s run-off issues both financially and technically.
WWC will use a portion of its funding set aside for Conservation to assist property owners with the cost of making remediation improvements to their properties. Often, the solutions are rain gardens, rain barrels, trenching, directing water to a collection area, etc. Many of these solutions are relatively low in cost and can be found in a N.H. DES brochure entitled "A Shoreland Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater Management". Click Here to Download the Brochure.
WWC will provide funding assistance of up to 50% of the cost of the project, to a limit of $500 per property, per grant. Applications will be approved by the Board of WWC and the projects need to be completed within one year of the application approval. Grants are available to all provided that your WWC membership is current. If you are not a current member be sure to sign up now. To arrange a site visit by a member of the Board, simply submit a completed application and we will have someone call you to make arrangements.
This is a wonderful opportunity to correct properties with potential pollution issues, so that generations to come can enjoy the same peace and beauty that we enjoy today. Funding and technical assistance make it a WIN-WIN situation for all.
Click here for the application.
Not addressed in the plan are situations on private properties where storm water run-off or other things happen which can lead to pollution of the lake. Storm water management is a much bigger problem than failed septic systems. Often, property owners know they have an issue, but have no idea where to turn to investigate a solution, or don’t have the motivation or funding to get started.
WWC is very proud to continue THE 2019 WINDY WATERS STORM WATER GRANT PROGRAM (the PROGRAM) to assist property owners in resolving their property’s run-off issues both financially and technically.
WWC will use a portion of its funding set aside for Conservation to assist property owners with the cost of making remediation improvements to their properties. Often, the solutions are rain gardens, rain barrels, trenching, directing water to a collection area, etc. Many of these solutions are relatively low in cost and can be found in a N.H. DES brochure entitled "A Shoreland Homeowner's Guide to Stormwater Management". Click Here to Download the Brochure.
WWC will provide funding assistance of up to 50% of the cost of the project, to a limit of $500 per property, per grant. Applications will be approved by the Board of WWC and the projects need to be completed within one year of the application approval. Grants are available to all provided that your WWC membership is current. If you are not a current member be sure to sign up now. To arrange a site visit by a member of the Board, simply submit a completed application and we will have someone call you to make arrangements.
This is a wonderful opportunity to correct properties with potential pollution issues, so that generations to come can enjoy the same peace and beauty that we enjoy today. Funding and technical assistance make it a WIN-WIN situation for all.
Click here for the application.