Additional Protection for Snake River Sought
The Shoreland Water Quality Protection Act (“the Act”) provides standards for development on the lakes and ponds in the Waukewan watershed. This Act applies to all state waters known as Great Ponds (10 or more acres in surface area) and “Designated Rivers.” A Designated River is either one that was on the initial list when the law was enacted or one that is a fourth order stream or higher (a technical measure based on the number of tributaries entering the main stem).
The Snake River was not on the original list and is a third order stream. Thus, it does not have protection under the Act. Windy Waters Conservancy is leading an initiative to nominate the Snake River in the Rivers Management and Protection Program (RSA 483). Rivers that are accepted into the program are called Designated Rivers and receive extra protections. One of these protections is the application of the provisions of the Act regarding shoreland development. Nominating the Snake River is a process that will take over a year to complete and includes legislative approval. The initial step is to obtain signatures to a petition. To sign the petition, please go to or contact any board member. The application is due to the DES rivers coordinator by May 31, 2016, though earlier submission is advantageous. During the winter the Conservancy will compile a nomination application and advance the process. If you would like to participate in this project, please contact the Conservancy. |
Snake River from above the beaver dam